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Conditions Générales de Vente pour la Suisse
Si le contenu ou l’ouverture de ces pages Internet devaient violer des dispositions légales ou les droits de tiers, nous vous prions de nous en informer sans honoraires d’avocat. Nous vous assurons que les passages incriminés à juste titre seront immédiatement supprimés ou rectifiés, sans que vous ayez besoin de faire appel à un conseil juridique. L’intervention chronophage d’un avocat qui conduit pour le prestataire de services à un avertissement payant, ne correspond pas à la volonté réelle ou supposée du propriétaire du droit d’auteur. La prise en charge des coûts d’avocat sans prise de contact préalable sera refusée en totalité et donnera lieu éventuellement à une demande reconventionnelle en raison de la violation des dispositions ci-dessus. (Les coûts d’un avertissement par le biais d’un avocat sans prise de contact préalable seront refusés comme non fondés dans le cadre de l’obligation de mitigation des dommages. Des avertissements non fondés et/ou des déclarations de s’abstenir entraîneront éventuellement une action négatoire.
mycoffeestar vend aux clients des marchandises proposées dans la boutique en ligne aux conditions générales de vente (CGV) énoncées ci-dessous.
Le contrat conclu entre le client et mycoffeestar n’entre en vigueur qu’après une commande du client et l’acceptation de celle-ci par mycoffeestar. La commande du client se fait en premier lieu sur Internet. mycoffeestar accepte la commande en envoyant au client une confirmation de commande (par e-mail, téléphone ou lettre postale) ou en lui livrant la marchandise commandée (comportant le bon de commande).
Toutes les indications sur la capsule que le client reçoit au cours du processus de commande sont sans engagement. L’entreprise se réserve le droit de procéder à des modifications du design et de la technique en vue d’améliorer la fonctionnalité de la capsule, et des erreurs concernant la description, la photo et l’indication de prix sont possibles. Aucune capsule ne correspondant pas aux dispositions légales n’est proposée au client.
Tous les prix sont indiqués TVA incluse. La devise valable pour des livraisons en Suisse est le franc suisse (CHF). La livraison a lieu après prépaiement.
La marchandise commandée peut être livrée dans le monde entier. Si nous l’avons en stock, elle est immédiatement livrée à l’adresse fournie par le client. Sinon, le client reçoit une confirmation de commande écrite comportant la date de livraison prévue. Les frais de livraison figurent sur le site Internet.
Les marchandises livrées restent la propriété de mycoffeestar jusqu’au paiement complet. Mycoffeest est en droit de procéder à une inscription correspondante dans le registre des pactes de réserve de propriété. Si le client tarde à régler le prix d’achat, mycoffeestar est en droit de résilier le contrat (déclaration de résiliation du contrat) et de reprendre possession de la marchandise ou de la garder.
You may revoke this agreement within fourteen days without giving any reasons.
The revocation period is fourteen days from the date on which you or a third party specified by you who is not the transporter have/has taken possession of the goods. More details at Right of Revocation
Mycoffeestar reprend la marchandise vendue à condition que les conditions suivantes de droit de retour soient respectées. La marchandise doit être retournée dans l’emballage d’origine en parfait état (intact, sans inscription, non descellé). Le délai de retour est de 14 jours à compter du jour de la livraison à l’acheteur. La réexpédition se fait au frais de l’acheteur. Si ces conditions ne sont pas remplies, mycoffeestar se réserve le droit de ne pas reprendre le produit. Des coûts résultant d’un retour non conforme pourront être imputés à l’acheteur par mycoffeestar. Si l’acheteur a renvoyé la marchandise dans les délais et dans les formes, mycoffeestar lui envoie un avoir ou le remboursement du montant.
L’acheteur est dans l’obligation de vérifier les défauts éventuels dès réception de la marchandise et d’en faire part au vendeur en respectant le délai de retour.
La garantie a lieu dans le cadre des dispositions légales. Swiss Innovation Produits Ltd. décline toute garantie ou responsabilité pour la machine à café.
Mycoffeestar est dépositaire de tous les droits concernant chaque design, chaque texte, chaque graphique sur son site Internet. Il est interdit de copier ou de reproduire tout ou partie de ce site Internet.
Mycoffeestar assure respecter les dispositions de la loi suisse sur la protection des données et des normes juridiques applicables dans le cadre de la collecte, du traitement et de l’utilisation des données personnelles. Sauf souhait contraire du client, les données du client collectées lors de l’exécution de la commande sont utilisées uniquement pour garantir l’exécution de la transaction. Une transmission à des tiers est exclue. Le client se déclare d’accord avec cette utilisation de ses données.
Les présentes CGV et les contrats conclus sur la base de ces CGV sont soumis au droit suisse à l’exception de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les Contrats de Vente (CVIM). La juridiction compétente est Zurich.
Lors de la vente des marchandises spécifiées sur la boutique en ligne de mycoffeestar, c’est uniquement la version des CGV en vigueur au moment de la conclusion du contrat qui est applicable. Ces conditions générales sont aussi en particulier valables si elles devaient être différentes de celles du client. Si certaines dispositions de ces CGV devaient être ou devenir caduques, cela ne concerne pas la validité des autres dispositions. Mycoffeestar se réserve d’ailleurs le droit de modifier à tout moment ces conditions générales de vente.
Conditions Générales de Vente pour les Pays de l'UE
(1) The following terms and conditions control the contractual relationship between Swiss Innovation Products GmbH, Austrian Branch, Erzherzog-Eugen-Straße 34/9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Registered company number FN415504k, VAT ID: ATU68713822 – hereinafter referred to as Provider – and the natural persons and legal entities that are entered into via the mycoffeestar online shop.
(2) The language of the contract shall be English. The contract’s text is stored at the Provider’s. Storage is, however, only temporary, and the customer therefore has to print it or save it separately.
The object of the contract is sale of goods. The details, in particular the essential features of the goods, are described in the item description and the supplementary information on the Provider’s website.
The goods offered by the Provider online are not a binding offer to enter into a purchasing contract, but a request to place an order (customer’s offer to purchase). The customer can enter his offer to purchase via the online ordering system or by email. When purchasing via the online shop system, observe the following: The goods provided for purchasing are put in the “shopping basket”. The customer can call the “shopping basket” via corresponding button in the navigation bar to make changes there at any time. Before sending the order, the customer is able to review all information again here. By placing his order using the corresponding button, the customer makes a binding offer to the Provider. The customer first receives an automated email on receipt of his order that will not yet lead to entering into a contract.
Use of approved immediate payments by the customer does not lead to a contract being entered into in spite of payment of the purchasing price or compensation. Acceptance of the offer (and therefore entering into a contract) in any case requires confirmation in text form (e.g. email), in which processing of the order or delivery of the goods are confirmed to the customer, or by sending of the goods.
If the customer does not receive an order confirmation or notification on delivery of the goods within 5 days, he is no longer bound to his order. Any payments already made shall, in this case, be reimbursed without delay.
The prices included in the respective offers, as well as the shipping costs listed, are final prices. They contain all price components, including all arising taxes.
Where deliveries are sent outside of EU-countries, further customs, taxes or fees may be payable by customers to the relevant customs or tax offices. The shipping costs are not included in the purchasing price. They are according to the specific offer and the shipping information in it, are indicated separately during ordering and must be assumed by the customer additionally.
Customer may choose between the payment options named in the specific offer.
- Advance payment by bank money transfer
- PayPal
- Credit Card payment via PayPal-Guest-Account
The purchasing price plus shipping costs shall be payable no later than 7 days after receipt of the payment request.
Goods shall only be delivered into the countries expressly listed with the individual items or shipping conditions. Where the item description does not specify any different period, the goods shall be delivered within 3 – 10 working days (depending on target country) after receipt of the complete purchasing price and shipping costs.
As a consumer, the customer is asked to inspect the goods at once for completeness, obvious defects and transport damage upon delivery, and to inform the provider and forwarder of any defects as quickly as possible. The warranty claims of customer shall not be affected by this.
If customer is a consumer, the danger of accidental destruction and accidental impairment of the sold object during shipment shall only pass to customer at handover of the goods, independently of whether shipment was insured or not. If the customer is an entrepreneur, the goods are delivered and shipped at his risk.
If a product ordered for the customer is not available for reasons not due to the fault of the Provider contrary to expectations in spite of timely entering into an adequate coverage transaction, customer shall be informed of the lack of availability without delay and any payments already made be reimbursed without delay in case of rescission.
You may revoke this agreement within fourteen days without giving any reasons. The revocation period is fourteen days from the date on which you or a third party specified by you who is not the transporter have/has taken possession of the goods.
If you withdraw from this agreement, we shall reimburse you all payments that we have received from you including the costs of delivery (except for additional costs generated by your selection of a type of delivery other than the inexpensive standard delivery offered by us) immediately and not later than within fourteen days from the date on which we have received your notification of revocation of this agreement. For this reimbursement, we use the same means of payment that you have used for the original transaction unless we have explicitly agreed otherwise with you; in any case, you will not be charged any fees in connection with this reimbursement.
We can refuse the reimbursement until we have received the goods back or until you have provided evidence that you have sent the goods back, whichever is earlier. You shall send the goods back or return them to us immediately and in any case not later than within fourteen days from the date on which you inform us about the revocation of this agreement. The period is complied with if you send the goods prior to the expiry of the period of fourteen days.
The costs of returning the goods are borne by you. You are liable for any loss of value of the goods if such loss of value is due to any handling of the goods which is not required for examination of the quality, properties and functioning of the goods.
(1) The statutory provisions apply.
(2) In case of used objects, the warranty period is one year from delivery of the goods deviating from the statutory provisions. The one-year’s warranty period shall not apply for damage from violation of life, body or health culpable caused due to the Provider’s fault and damage caused grossly negligently or by intent or malice of the Provider.
(3) If the customer is an entrepreneur, the following shall apply deviating from para.1:
a) Only the information given by the Provider and the product description of the manufacturer are deemed agreed as goods properties, but not any other advertisement, public offering and statements of the manufacturer.
b) The customer shall inspect the goods without delay and with the due diligence for any deviations in quality and quantity and indicate any obvious defects to the Provider in writing within 7 days of receipt of the goods; timely dispatch shall be sufficient for complying with the deadline. This shall also apply for any concealed defects found later from the item of discovery, in case of violation of the obligation to examine and complain, assertion of warranty claims shall be excluded.
c) In case of defects, the Provider shall, at his choice, perform his warranty by improvement or replacement delivery. If removal of defects fails twice, the customer may, at his discretion, claim reduction of the price or rescission of the contract. In case of subsequent improvement, Provider shall not be obliged to assume increased costs caused by transport of the goods to another place than the place of performance unless this corresponds to the intended use of the goods.
d) The warranty period shall be one year from delivery of the goods. The reduced warranty period shall not apply for damage from violation of life, body or health culpably caused due to the Provider’s fault and damage caused grossly negligently or by intent or malice of the Provider.
The customer must only exercise any right of retention if his claims are from the same contractual relationship.
The goods shall remain the property of the Providers until the purchasing price is paid in full.
If the customer is an entrepreneur, the following applies additionally:
a) The Provider reserves title in the goods until complete payment of all claims for the current business relationship. Before passing of title in the goods subject to retention of title, pledging or providing as collateral shall not be permissible.
b) The customer may sell on the goods in the proper course of business. In this case, he even now assigns all claims at the amount invoiced that arise from further sale to the Provider, who accepts the assignment. The customer shall also be authorized to collect the claim. Where he does not properly meet his payment obligations, however, Provider reserves the right to collect the claim personally.
c) In case of connection and mixing of the goods subject to retention of title, the Provider shall procure joint property in the new object at the ratio of the amount invoiced for the goods subject to retention of title to the other objects processed at the time of processing.
d) The Provider commits to releasing the collateral due to him on request of the customer as far as the value that can be realized from the Provider’s collateral exceeds the receivable to be secured by more than 10%. The collateral to be released shall be selected by the Provider.
(1) The Provider shall be liable without limitation for any damage from violation of life, body or health, where he has maliciously concealed a defect or has assumed a warranty for properties of the purchased object, in all cases of willfully intended and gross negligence, in case of damage under the Product Liability Act or as otherwise prescribed by law.
(2) Where any essential obligations from the contract are concerned, the violation of which endangers achievement of the purpose of the contract, the Provider’s liability for light negligence shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract.
(3) In case of violation of inessential contractual obligations, liability for slightly negligent violations of obligations shall be excluded.
(4) Data communication via the internet cannot be warranted to be free from defects and/or available at all times at the current state of the art. In this respect, the Provider shall be liable neither for continuous nor for uninterrupted availability of the website and the services offered there.
(5) Swiss Innovation Products Ltd. assumes no guarantee or liability for the coffee machine.
The customer shall ensure that his personal data stored in the online shop and indicate to the Provider at entering into the contract for performance of the contract, in particular the available email address and delivery address, are correct. The customer also warrants that email reception is technically possible under the email address he indicated and not prevented, e.g. due to forwarding, shut-down or exceeded capacities.
The Provider shall have the right to rescission of the contract if the customer violates his contribution obligation.
(1) When selling goods for which this is prescribed under the rules of the youth protection act, the Provider shall only enter into contractual relationships with adult customers.
(2) When submitting his order, the customer represents that he is at least 18 years old and that his information regarding his name and address is correct.
(3) If minors initiate orders, the Provider hereby even now revokes the contract preventively. Adults that have custody or representation rights of the minors ordering under false information shall be liable to the Provider for any damage arising from the orders made under false information according to the statutory provisions.
(1) We reserve the right at any time, to perform changes to our Terms and Conditions. With successful use of services, these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed accepted without reservation. Oral agreements or commitments of Swiss Innovation Products are only effective if they are confirmed by Swiss Innovation Products in writing.
(2) Place of performance for any service from the business transactions with the provider and place of jurisdiction shall be the Provider’s registered seat if the customer is not a consumer but a merchant, legal entity of public law or public special funds.